Dhooleka Sarhadi Raj

Domaine de recherche

Asie du Sud

Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique


Ph. D.


Yale University

Adresse électronique



Department of Anthropology
Yale University
44 Brookwood Drive
Woodbridge, CT 06525 USA


phone: 703-585-9999
phone: 203-432-9343
fax: 866-365-1778

Site de web


Pays de spécialisation



Understanding and theorizing Global South Asia, particularly through the
lens of nation-state and the family. Fieldwork in London and Delhi on
migrants and refugees; ethnographic work on Hindu Punjabi families.
Currently editing a documentary film, Nigel's diary, exploring the British
in India through the eyes of a former British solider who stayed on in
India after 1947. Teach on Global South Asia and the South Asian


Where Are You From? Middle Class Migrants in the Modern World,
University of California Press, 2003.

"Partition and Diaspora: Memories and Identities of Punjabi Hindus in
London," Partition and Post-Colonial South Asia: A Reader, edited by Tan
Tai Yong and Gyanesh Kudaisya (eds.), Routledge (forthcoming 2007),

"Strategic Ignorance, Deliberate Forgetting: the Coalescence of Nation and
Family Memory for Partition Refugees in Delhi," Social Analysis, 44(2):
30-55 (2000).

"Who The Hell Do You Think You Are? Promoting Religious Identity amongst
Young Hindus in Britain," Ethnic and Racial Studies, 23(3): 535-558 (2000).

Co-editor with Ilana Gershon of special issue on "The Symbolic Praxis of
Ignorance," Social Analysis, 44(2) (2000).

"The Symbolic Praxis of Ignorance, Introduction," (with Ilana Gershon)
Social Analysis (special issue) 44(2): 3-15 (2000).

"Partition and Diaspora: Memories and Identities of Punjabi Hindus in
London" International Journal of Punjab Studies, (OUP: India) 4(1):
100-127 (1997).

"Intergenerational Culture Conflict in Migrant South Asian Families," in
Enriched by South Asia, edited by Elliot Tepper and John Wood, eds., pp.
397-412. Canadian Association of South Asian Studies (1994).


nation-state ; family ; Punjabi ; film ; diaspora ; ...