David Philips

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence



Associate Professor


University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Adresse électronique



Department of History
University of Melbourne
Victoria 3052


phone: (03) 8344-5973
fax: (03) 8344-7894

Pays de spécialisation

South Africa


Research interest is primarily in the apartheid period, with a special
interest in the Truth & Reconciliation Commission, and ideas of
'reconciliation' more generally. Also have an interest in the 19th
& 20th Centuries more generally, particularly indigenous political
rights in the colonial period leading up to Union in 1910, and political
developments - especially those dealing with racial issues - in the 20th
Century; and the South African War 1899-1902, and its causes and immediate


Teach a course (Undergraduate, 2nd & 3rd Year) on 'South Africa under
Apartheid, 1948-1994', which gets a large and enthusiastic student
enrolment. Next year, for the first time, I shall also teach a 4th Year
Honours seminar on 'Apartheid South Africa: Society & Politics' I have
also taught a South African component in comparative colonial courses,
taught at 1st year undergraduate level: 'Colonisers and Colonised A:
South Africa, Australia & Canada, 1800-1900' ; 'Colonisers and
Colonised B: South Africa, Australia & Canada, 1900-1990s' ; and, at 2nd
& 3rd year level: 'Empire, Race and Human Rights: South Africa,
Australia & Canada, 1900-2000'

Have supervised a number of Honours theses dealing with South African
history in the apartheid period; and at least one dealing with the Cape
colony in the 1830s.


Introductory chapter and two chapters dealing with South Africa, in
P. Grimshaw, D. Philips, S. Swain & J.Evans. Grounds for Dispute:
Indigenous Political Rights in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and
South Africa, 1830-1910. (Manchester University Press, forthcoming)

J. Evans & D. Philips '"When there's no safety in numbers": fear and
the Franchise in South Africa - the case of Natal' in D. Kirkby & C. Coleborne
(eds.) Law, History, Colonialism: The Reach of Empire.
(Manchester University Press, 2001)

D. Philips The End of Apartheid: South Africa's First Free and
Democratic Election. (The University of Melbourne, The History
Department 1994)

D. Philips 'The Future: An Historian's View from 1986', in J. Hirst
(ed.) South Africa: Past, Present, Future. (History Institute,
Victoria, Melbourne 1986), pp. 81-87.


apartheid ; race relations ; political rights ; South Africa ; identity politics ; ...